Wednesday Nights

CatchUp meets weekly to practice juggling. Sometimes we run workshops on a particular topic, such as club passing, diabolo, unicycle or acrobalance. In winter we juggle indoors and in summer we move to the Gerrit Jan van Heekpark next to the hall.
Interested in coming along? Everyone is welcome!

When: every Wednesday 7:30-9:30pm
Where: Minister de Savornin Lohmanlaan 65, Enschede
Provided: a variety of juggling equipment
Cost: free for the first week. After the first week, you can become a member and pay a yearly fee.
CatchUp Weekend

Every summer, CatchUp organises a weekend away camping. We do activities such as a climbing forest, escape room, water slides, sailing, punting, hiking and so on. We cook dinner together at the campsite.
Fire Nights

Once or twice a year we hold a fire night in the park. We juggle and spin fire with torches, poi and staff. Sometimes the university photography club joins us to take photos.