About Us

CatchUp is a juggling club based in Enschede, the Netherlands. We’re a friendly group who meet regularly to practice together and learn from each other. We juggle with balls, clubs, rings and diabolos do unicycling and play unicycle-hockey.

Interested in joining us? We meet every Wednesday 7:30-9:30pm at Minister de Savornin Lohmanlaan 65, Enschede. All welcome! Juggling equipment and unicycles are provided.
Herfst Jongleer Weekend

The Herfst Jongleer Weekend (HJW) is an annual juggling convention, usually held in autumn, at the University of Twente in Enschede.

Attended by 200 jugglers from the Netherlands and surrounding countries, the HJW features a range of workshops, a volleyclub tournament, a fight-night and a party.